Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Virgil Wander by Leif Enger

Where do I begin?
How do I began?
I finished this book couple weeks ago. I thoroughly enjoyed it.  The story still stayed with me up to today. do I put this into words?  How do I put this eloquently without boring anyone?  If I try to put this on papers, my trashcan would be overflowing with crumpled papers with crossed out sentences, disappointing words, and self failures.  This book is one of the few rarities which has me loss for the words to totally describe how I felt about this book.  

First of all, as I was reading this book, an oldie popped in my head,  'Small Town by John Mellencamp.  This song described this book perfectly well.
Moving on....This is a whimsical journey of a movie house owner who survived a freak car accident/drowning in icy lake, piecing together his own personal history.  Even though his memory and language impaired, he pushes on with his life with sarcasm and subtle humor. 
It isn't just all about Virgil.  It's about the community he lives in. The small town full of quirky and awkward people. The name of the Midwestern town is Greenstone.
There is a magical realism to Greenstone. There's something mystical about this small town along with loyalty, friendship, love, and redemption. What connects the town and its residents are the hope and the strangeness of all.  Ah, the redemption...the redemption...there's no further words for that.  It is enchanting novel to be embraced for years to come. I would love to read more book by this gifted storyteller in the future. It is one of the rare books which sits with you for a long time.
Now excuse me while I go and listen to the rest of the song of 'Small Town'.

I recieved this enchanting ARC from Grove Atlantic Grove Press through Net Galley in exchange for my unbiased and honset review.  Thank you !

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